OpenPlant Modeler Help

CONSTRUCTION - Measurement tab

Used to measure a distance. Then click two points, which returns the following dialog box showing a few measurement results..

Coordinates in ACS Displays the measuring results relative to the active coordinate system.
  • Start or End X, Y, Z - Display the coordinates of the two measuring points.
  • Distance in X, ...Y, ...Z - Displays the absolute distance between the points.
  • Distance Direct - Displays the distance in the direction of the respective coordinate axis.
  • Angle - Displays the angle from the start to end point in reference to the coordinate x-axis.
Coordinates in WCS Displays the measuring results relative to the absolute coordinate system.
  • Start or End X, Y, Z - Display the absolute coordinates of the two measuring points.
  • Cosine X, ...Y, ...Z - Displays the so-called "directional cosine" of the vector from the start point to the end point.